Memory attacks on device independent quantum cryptography pdf

Quantum cryptographyfrom singlephoton transmission, key extraction methods to novel quantum information protocols. The advantage of quantum cryptography lies in the fact that it allows. Jan 31, 2018 device independent cryptography goes beyond conventional quantum cryptography by providing security that holds independently of the quality of the underlying physical devices. Nonetheless, in the absence of tight theoretical bounds on the scope for deviceindependent quantum cryptography, progress to date has encouraged optimism e.

In fact, transmission of very large documents is prohibitive. Download citation memory attacks on deviceindependent quantum cryptography deviceindependent quantum cryptographic schemes aim to guarantee security to users based only on the output. T1 memory attacks on device independent quantum cryptography. Keyrate obtained in our protocol middle curve, expressed as a fraction of the raw key bits obtained from the key rounds. Pdf on the security of semideviceindependent qkd protocols.

Implementation security of quantum cryptography etsi. So, in theory, it is impossible for an eavesdropper to intercept a quantum encryption key without disrupting it. Siam journal on computing siam society for industrial and. Quantum randomness extraction for various levels of characterization of the devices. Kent, memory attacks on deviceindependent quantum cryptography, phys.

This cited by count includes citations to the following articles in scholar. Sorry, our data provider has not provided any external links therefor we are unable to provide a pdf. We present the optimal collective attack on a quantum key distribution qkd protocol in the deviceindependent security scenario, where no assumptions are made about the way the qkd devices work or on what quantum system they operate. Post quantum cryptography, like the rest of cryptography, covers a wide range of securecommunication tasks, ranging from secretkey operations, publickey signatures, and publickey encryption to highlevel operations such as secure electronic voting. The best known example of quantum cryptography is quantum key distribution which offers an informationtheoretically secure solution to the key exchange problem. Reading group on entanglement and cryptography reading list. Deviceindependent bit commitment based on the chsh. Since continuousvariable encoding is compatible with conventional optical communication technology, our work is a step towards practical implementations of quantum key distribution with stateofthe.

In particular, the devices may have quantum memory and share arbitrary. T1 memory attacks on deviceindependent quantum cryptography. This central question dates back to the early 1990s when the challenge of achieving deviceindependent quantum key distribution was first formulated. Apr 29, 2014 in theory, quantum key distribution is unconditionally secure but, in reality, practical devices are prone to attacks. Device independent quantum cryptographic schemes aim to guarantee security to users based only on the output statistics of any components used, and without the need to verify their internal functionality. Known provably secure schemes for deviceindependent quantum key distribution are ine. However, in view of the memory attacks recently proposed against deviceindependent qkd, as well as the many hardware and software trojan horse attacks that threaten the security of conventional cryptography today, such trust is a very strong and unjustified assumption. This can lead to reallife attacks against provably secure qkd schemes. Practical deviceindependent quantum cryptography via entropy. However, their proof relied on the assumption that the devices can be reused independently no memory, no correlation between different uses. As an example of our framework, we reprove a recent result from deviceindependent quantum cryptography. Optical quantum memory is a device that can store the quantum state of photons and retrieve it on demand and with high fidelity. Quantum discord as a resource for quantum cryptography. Sorry, our data provider has not provided any external links therefore we are unable to provide a link to the full text.

Fully deviceindependent quantum key distribution caltech authors. Possible defenses include securely destroying or isolating used devices. Deviceindependent cryptography goes beyond conventional quantum cryptography by providing security that holds independently of the quality of. Since this would protect users against untrustworthy or. Since this would protect users against untrustworthy or incompetent manufacturers, sabotage or device degradation, this idea has excited much interest, and many deviceindependent. Deviceindependent quantum cryptographic schemes aim to guarantee security to users based only on the output statistics of any components used, and without the need to verify their internal functionality.

In the paper, we put forward the first deviceindependent quantum secure direct communication diqsdc protocol and analyze its security and communication efficiency against collective attacks. Finitekey analysis for measurementdeviceindependent. Deviceindependent quantum secure direct communication. Deviceindependent security of quantum cryptography against collective attacks antonio ac. We present the optimal collective attack on a quantum key distribution qkd protocol in the device independent security scenario, where no assumptions are made about the way the qkd devices work or on what quantum system they operate. Jul, 2006 quantum cryptography from singlephoton transmission, key extraction methods to novel quantum information protocols. The device independent quantum key distribution aims at modifying the original quantum key distribution to be safe in case of untrusted thirdparty devices. We propose other more practical partial defences as well as a new protocol structure for deviceindependent quantum key distribution that aims to achieve composable security in the case of two parties using a small number of devices to repeatedly share keys with each another and no other party. Pdf onesided deviceindependent quantum key distribution. Deviceindependent quantum key distribution diqkd protocols aim at generating a. Proceedings of the 1999 congress on evolutionary computationcec99 cat.

Quantum key distribution qkd 1, 2 is one of the most active areas in quantum information 3, 4, with a. Romain alleaume works on quantum cryptography and quantum information. Oct 20, 2014 although jonathan barrett and his coauthors published 2,3 a strong device independent quantum key distribution diqkd security guarantee in 2005, it focused on a weaker set of constraints than. Deviceindependent security of quantum cryptography against collective attacks. Quantum cryptography protocols robust against photon number splitting attacks valerio scarani1. Quantum hacking in the age of measurementdeviceindependent. We propose other more practical partial defenses as well as a new protocol structure for deviceindependent quantum key distribution that aims to achieve composable security in the case of two parties using a small number of devices to repeatedly share keys with each other and no other party. This differs from informationtheoretic security, which is independent of all future. Pdf deviceindependent cryptography goes beyond conventional quantum cryptography by providing. Quantum cryptography for internet of things security. Device independent quantum key distribution secure against coherent attacks with memoryless measurement devices. Compared with full deviceindependent quantum key distribution diqkd, oneside device.

Deviceindependent bit commitment based on the chsh inequality. In our analysis, we construct the relation between a secret key rate of the. Successful attack against a quantum cryptography system. On the security of semideviceindependent qkd protocols. Jan 20, 2012 device independent quantum cryptographic schemes aim to guarantee security to users based only on the output statistics of any components used, and without the need to verify their internal functionality. This has led to much interest in deviceindependent quantum protocols, which aim to guarantee security on the. Deviceindependent quantum key distribution secure against collective attacks. Quantum cryptography di ers from conventional cryptography in that the data are kept secret by the properties of quantum mechanics, rather than the conjectured di culty of computing certain functions. We propose other more practical partial defences as well as a new protocol structure for deviceindependent quantum key distribution that aims to. The aim of quantum key distribution is for two computers, alice and bob, to share a common cryptographic key through communications over.

Delayed measurement with a qubit of quantum memory. Apr 22, 2012 in fact, transmission of very large documents is prohibitive. We give a graphical exposition of a proof of this result and implement parts of it in the globular proof assistant. Memory attacksondeviceindependent quantum cryptography. In standard quantum key distribution qkd protocols, the security proofs assume. Public key cryptography is susceptible to impersonation attacks.

Unfortunately, it is insecure against continuous memory attacks, since the component keys of the onetime signatures are kept in memory for many periods even though they are not accessed, and hence can completely leak in the memory attack model. Lncs 7881 onesided deviceindependent qkd and position. Memory attacks on deviceindependent quantum cryptography. Distilling common randomness from bipartite quantum states. While fully deviceindependent security in bb84like prepareandmeasure quantum key distribution qkd is impossible, it can be guaranteed against individual attacks in a semideviceindependent sdi scenario, wherein no assumptions are made on the characteristics of the hardware used except for an upper bound on the dimension of the communicated system. Since this would protect users against untrustworthy or incompetent manufacturers, sabotage or device degradation, this idea has excited much interest, and many device independent schemes. Robust protocols for securely expanding randomness and distributing keys using untrusted quantum devices. Semideviceindependent multiparty quantum key distribution. Graphical methods in deviceindependent quantum cryptography. Is the security of quantum cryptography guaranteed by the.

Robust protocols for securely expanding randomness and. Postquantum cryptography, like the rest of cryptography, covers a wide range of securecommunication tasks, ranging from secretkey operations, publickey signatures, and publickey encryption to highlevel operations such as secure electronic voting. Quantum hacking in the age of measurement device independent quantum cryptography by anqi huang a thesis presented to the university of waterloo in ful llment of the thesis requirement for the degree of doctor of philosophy in electrical and computer engineering quantum information waterloo, ontario, canada, 2018 c anqi huang 2018. Postquantum cryptography is, in general, a quite different topic from quantum cryptography. Buchmann at 5th international conference on quantum cryptography qcrypt 2015 in hitotsubashi hall, tokyo, october 2nd, 2015. Highrate measurementdeviceindependent quantum cryptography. In case of devices with memory whose behaviour may change during the protocol. Deviceindependent quantum cryptographic schemes aim to guarantee security to users based only on the output statistics of any components used. Quantum cryptography definition and meaning collins english. Optical quantum memory and its applications in quantum. The deviceindependent quantum key distribution aims at modifying the original quantum key distribution to be safe in case of untrusted thirdparty devices. Oct 08, 2018 however, in view of the memory attacks recently proposed against device independent qkd, as well as the many hardware and software trojan horse attacks that threaten the security of conventional cryptography today, such trust is a very strong and unjustified assumption. A quantum cryptographic protocol is device independent if its security does not rely on trusting that the quantum devices used are truthful.

Memory attacks on device independent quantum cryptography. We note the potential threat of location attacks, in which the behaviour of untrusted devices used in relativistic quantum cryptography depends on their spacetime location. This means that security holds even if bobs quantum device is arbitrarily malicious, as long as alices device behaves as it should. Deviceindependent relativistic quantum bit commitment.

Quantum cryptography is often touted as being perfectly secure. Quantum cryptography protocols robust against photon. Shor and preskill, 2000 22 quantum key distribution provides perfect security because, unlike its. Download citation memory attacks on device independent quantum cryptography device independent quantum cryptographic schemes aim to guarantee security to users based only on the output. We answer this challenge by rigorously proving the deviceindependent security of a slight variant of ekerts original entanglementbased protocol against the most general coherent attacks. Pdf practical deviceindependent quantum cryptography via. It is emerging as an essential device to enhance security, speed, scalability, and performance of many quantum systems used in communications, computing, metrology, and more. Quantum hacking in the age of measurementdeviceindependent quantum cryptography by anqi huang a thesis presented to the university of waterloo in ful llment of the thesis requirement for the degree of doctor of philosophy in electrical and computer engineering quantum information waterloo, ontario, canada, 2018 c anqi huang 2018.

Deviceindependent twoparty cryptography secure against sequential attacks jdrzej kaniewski and stephanie wehnerdeviceindependent quantum key distribution secure against collective attacks stefano pironio, antonio acin, nicolas brunner et al. Measurement device independent quantum key distribution promises to overcome. Osa experimental demonstration of gaussian protocols for. Nonetheless, in the absence of tight theoretical bounds on the scope for deviceindependent quantum cryptography, progress to. The key sizes must be significantly larger than symmetric cryptography to achieve the same level of protection.

Thus the security analysis of such a protocol needs to consider scenarios of imperfect or even malicious devices. A quantum cryptographic protocol is deviceindependent if its security does not rely on trusting that the quantum devices used are truthful. Deviceindependent security of quantum cryptography against. Post quantum cryptography is, in general, a quite different topic from quantum cryptography. We propose other more practical partial defences as well as a new protocol structure for device independent quantum key distribution that aims to achieve composable security in the case of two parties using a small number of devices to repeatedly share keys with each another and no other party. Our analysis provides an asymptotic secret key rate of the multiparty qkd under the restriction that successive trials are completely independent.

Although jonathan barrett and his coauthors published 2,3 a strong deviceindependent quantum key distribution diqkd security guarantee in 2005, it. Note that the quantum device may also have a quantum memory, but this quantum memory at. Quantum cryptography is the science of exploiting quantum mechanical properties to perform cryptographic tasks. Fully deviceindependent conference key agreement qutech. Memory attacks on deviceindependent quantum cryptography core. One of the main applications of device independence so far is to quantum key distribution. First, memory attacks have emerged as an important threat to the security of even deviceindependent quantum key distribution diqkd, whenever qkd devices are reused. It is based on the principle that you cannot make measurements of a quantum system without disturbing it. In theory, quantum key distribution is unconditionally secure but, in reality, practical devices are prone to attacks. Since this would protect users against untrustworthy or incompetent manufacturers, sabotage or device degradation, this idea has excited much interest, and many deviceindependent schemes. Deviceindependent quantum key distribution secure against. Deviceindependent security of quantum cryptography. Conclusion quantum cryptography is a major achievement in security engineering. In this work, we show that the standard bb84 qkd scheme is onesided deviceindependent.